my last entry. its here. i still am having a hard time processing that six months has gone by! i still remember when Sakura Bloom announced they were taking applications for the Sling Diaries :: All the Love, telling Ryan how honored, and shocked, i would be if they chose me. its been a lovely ride. insightful. beautiful.

so this last theme... 

we all know, especially this time of year, that traveling will be in most of our plans. we also know how plans go... people get sick, delays, missed meetings, uncooperative littles, having to re-route and re-plan in a moments notice... 
well, wasn't it fitting that thats exactly how this entry went. i had plans of a different nature, but a few pieces of the puzzle changed. so now i went in a different direction... don't worry ill explain more later. ;)

you see, 
this sling right here.
this was my first silk sakura bloom sling.
it was the sling that began my love of baby wearing.
i had a ring sling when eden was smaller, but it wasn't comfortable.
i almost gave up...

when this sling arrived, it was love.
eden saw it and was so excited to get in.
i threaded the fabric through the rings, 
placed her in and within 15 min she was asleep.
talk about sleepy dust!

every time i carry my littles, 
i think of how far we've come.
the stories we carry. the love that remains.

im a bit of a sap.
sentimental. lover. emotional.
when i sit down to think of life, 
im overwhelmed with gratitude and awe.
the seemingly small things that are really the big things.
the pieces we can't see until we've made it through.
and isn't that what we are all doing...
making it through.

"through the eyes of a child"
i never fully understood that phrase until i had my littles.
the beauty they see.
the truth that is revealed in the honest words they speak.
the blind trust they place in us.
its humbling. its frightening.
they love the world with abandon. 
isn't that how we all should be?

we travel through life looking for meaning. 
for purpose.
but i think thats where we miss it.
life IS the adventure. the moments.

the giggles in the quiet, 
that travel over trees.
the whispers in the wind,
that brings us to our knees.
the overwhelming love, 
that reminds us most of all, 
that this journey that were on, 
is the precious gift of awe.

my littles, 
you have stilled my running steps.
you have stopped my wandering eyes.
you have forced my hands before me, 
to stop my own demise.
as we travel through this life, 
you teach me everyday.
to slow down. to love.
every person in different ways.
to enjoy the unplanned, 
to rejoice in the sparkle of a surprise.
that no matter the journey, 
there is always love.
to always give all the love.

as i hold you in my arms, 
you remind me how quickly you grow.
the sweet scent of innocence, 
still lingers in your hair.
the dirt under your nails, 
tells the story of adventures had.
i look into your eyes, 
the wisdom and truth that they hold.
im amazed constantly by the littles you are becoming.

while you explore this world, 
for now with me by your side, 
don't lose that sense of wonder.
please never stop your sweet smiles to strangers.
keep your arms open and your steps strong.
always be a light, for you both are the brightest of them all.
never fear the unknown, for soon you will understand, 
that this journey that your on...
is best lived wild and free. 


so... that plan i mentioned before... 
its morphed into something else... something exciting!!
its been on my heart for over a year now, 
and i can't wait to share...
plus, there might or might not be a giveaway involved ;)
before you go all.. SHE'S PREGNANT...
i promise there is no little schwartz on the way... at least that i know of!

so while i take a break for family and holidays,
i will leave you a few precious photos from my sisters wedding.
so until Jan 2015...
enjoy your holidays, take time to relax and be still, 
and remember to always spread all the love.

thank you to Mandy at amanda brisco photography for the lovely photos!
a HUGE thank you to Sakura Bloom. this has truly been a wonderful experience. the friendships I've made, that have been re-kindled and are blooming... i am so very blessed to have. so amazed by you women... my little social media village, my tribe. xoxo

thank you to you all for sticking with me throughout these months of self discovery and growth. i love you all and wish i could hug you and personally thank you. xoxo

to my mama, thank you for the endless photoshoots of "just one more", for encouraging me in the moments of panic and disarray. for watching littles so i can think clearly. 

to my sweet love. my husband. ryan, you are truly amazing. you blessed me with these littles. you embrace and encourage my crazy self. you love me fiercely and can always make me smile. you turned into a pro-photographer over these last few months... thank you for capturing these moments between me and our littles. thank you for taking littles to bed early so mama can chill and have her time. thank you for humoring me and my endless sling talk... only the strongest of men can stand sling talk ;) i love you.

kate is wearing sakura bloom :: simple silk in sangria
in the bottom collage, photos by the lovely Mandy at amanda brisco photography, kate is wearing sakura bloom :: simple silk in spruce