i'm here to tell you what postpartum mamas REALLY want...
like what would make them feel so loved and cared for.
FIVE things that are not on most conventional lists.
sure there are a bazillion lists out there of what to get.
yes there are things you NEED.
but we are going to talk about WANTS.
things that if i received,
[or was surprised with, wink wink]
would send me into such love bubble,
i might just forget my shrinking uterus...
sleep exhaustion...
sleep exhaustion...
leaking from every hole...
y'all we are getting real up in there!!!
this is my list of TOP 5.
and i DARE you to find a postpartum mama who wouldn't love at least one,
if not, all of these...
honestly, any of these...
every mama has their preference.
but anything that gives mama a little bit of time to themselves.
not a full spa day [although that WOULD be luxurious!]
but like an hour or two to be pampered.
not too long away from her new bundle,
but just enough time to let daddy and baby bond...
or grandma, or the wonderful friend who gifted that surprise ;)
the beauty of a gift certificate is it gives mama time to plan and prepare.
although if you sent a masseuse to my home...
i can guarantee they would NOT be turned away! ;)
when you are in the throws of leaking boobs,
not remembering the last time you showered,
let alone the last time you ate...
having someone come, even if just for 30 min,
to clean your house, tidy up the living room,
change your sheets, maybe do the dishes!!!
heck, throw in a load of laundry...
and maybe fold something from the pile on your couch...
can do WONDERS for your state of mind!
did you know you could even gift a nanny!!
and if mama isn't ready to leave her littles alone with someone...
have nanny go pick up groceries, make a meal...
heck, grab a fancy coffee, or tea, for mama!
speaking of food...
it doesn't matter how much you plan and prepare...
there is NOTHING like a fresh meal from a friend.
kind of like a meal train!
if your local, you could set up a few meals for the first month,
or even a freezer meal drop off your own!
who knows...
maybe mama will let you snuggle that new little one while she gets a shower!
even if you don't live in town...
food delivery is awesome!
just make sure to let mama know you got dinner covered! ;)
coming at you with some realness...
those lady bits are sore...
regardless of what type of delivery you have...
remember that her body was CARRYING A HUMAN.
and that said HUMANS head...
was resting on a VERY tender down there region.
for at least a few weeks if not months! ;)
if you know she likes baths... bath bombs... enough said...
you can't go wrong!
healing bath bombs or bath herbs are amazing!
if your not sure if she would enjoy a soak...
anything that will make her feel pampered in her own home.
sheet masks for her face, a hair mask, new nail polish,
a candle, a special cozy blanket... well thats if its winter ;)
truthfully, anything that you get that is specifically just for her...
letting her know that your thinking of HER...
i promise will be a welcomed gift!!
also... witch hazel. butt wipes... again... amazing ;)
now stay with me...
it might not seem like much.
but in those first weeks, heck those first months...
a simple card, a note, a surprise in the mail...
does amazing things for a postpartum mama.
reassurance that she's doing an amazing job.
that your thinking of her.
to remind her that no matter what, you have her back.
that your with her... even if you can't be right there...
i will never forget the kind sweet words a friend sent me after i had little dude.
it was about two months after he was born.
no one knew the struggles i was having, especially mentally.
but that letter that day...
her words of encouragement and grace...
they helped me through some really dark moments.
never underestimate the power of a simple piece of paper, some ink...
and heart felt words.
so there you have it...
FIVE gifts for a postpartum mama that she really wants...
and honestly would really benefit from!
i also wanted to add this...
i have received some emails asking about our little nest...
if there was anything that we really did need for this little ones arrival...
so i decided to add our amazon registry list here. :)
i am amazed and so humbled at how sweet this community is.
please know that from the bottom of my heart,
i am so grateful for you all!!!